Saturday 2 July 2011

Prevent Gum Disease through Proper Oral Hygiene

By Ullrich Sunshine

Healthy gums and teeth are the fundamental basis for good oral health and absence of gum disease. However, there are millions of people afflicted with gum disease which results in early tooth loss and constant digestive problems. The disease also destroys the overall facial appearance of the individual affecting his social life and limits his interaction with other people.

The two most common gum diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis being the more common of the two can be cured and prevented easily if early detection is done. The symptoms of this disease include gum bleeding, discoloration of gums and surrounding areas, halitosis or bad breath and premature falling of gums. A person with gingivitis may also experience gum inflammation and formation of pus around the gums causing it to be painful and swollen.

There could be various reasons behind the disease but the primary reason seen to be the usual reason resulting in the disease is infections action shaping awkward and clear plaque bordering the dentitions structure. Other reasons are masticating tobacco and smoke ; exuberant intake of saccharine and carbohydrate-rich foods ; inadequate oral hygiene and genetic factors ; fleshiness and diabetes ; pubescence, maternity, menopause , and use of oral contraceptives in adult females ; siege and use of anti-depressants and heart medications ; and any disease that strikes those individuals immune system.

Oral assessments are constantly a must while courting the dental practitioners tips and advice. It is necessary to carry extensive dental hygiene in the sustenance of tidy gums and dentitions. When gum disease is already detected, raw therapeutics works extremely well as therapeutics and at the same time keeps tidy gums and dentitions. Here are the bits of advice to cure gum disease naturally.

1. We have often been told the brushing and flossing is the best way to prevent bacteria buildup. It still holds true for these are the major activities to maintain cleanliness in your oral cavity. Proper brushing should be observed and done twice or three times a day, preferably every after meal. This will prevent the accumulation of food debris in your mouth, while flossing should be done at least once a day, preferably before bed time.

2.Someone's suffering from the disease must also make it a habit to wash their mouth with body of water after eating any food for thought. Frequent rinse of the mouth with warm salt solution reduces harmful action of bacterium inside the mouth. Gargle containing peppermint oil is a large help.

3. People with gum disease should also avoid or quit their unhealthy oral activities like smoking or chewing tobacco.

4. To stop gum disease naturally, one must make it a habit to massage their gums using their finger tips to allow smooth circulation of blood in the area.

5. Always take natural sources of Vitamin C such as guava, oranges, limes, lemons, and other foods considered rich sources of Vitamin C which can help in the speedy recovery of those with gum problems.

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