Tuesday 20 September 2011

7 Bad Habits which Make Your Skin Age Prematurely

By Jeremy J. Ross

Many indicators of ageing skin are set by the health and way of life choices you make each day. In order for any anti aging skin therapy program to be effective, firstly you want to learn determine what you could be doing that's harming your skin and climbing your skin's process of getting older.

Top 7 Habits that Accentuate Signs of Ageing

1. Smoking can be very damaging to your skin. Cigarette smoke, in fact , is damaging, so even if you don't smoke but spend significant amount of time with smokers your skin could still be damaged. Says research, exposure to cigarette smoke significantly increases skin wrinkles and aridity. Cigarette smoke depletes your body of vitamin C, a key ingredient for keeping skin plump and wet.

1. Insecure sun exposure can noticeably accelerate skin aging. Unprotected skin exposed to UV rays becomes more mottled in appearance, freckles turn into brown spots, the skin takes on a dry, leathery appearance and wrinkles and drooping increase. Ensure you use sufficient sun lotion that shields against both UVA and UVB rays.

1. Lack of exercise makes a contribution to aging skin, as physical activity helps tone your muscles and get the blood flowing smoothly. Exercise should be a central part of any anti age skin care program.

1. Exposure to chilly weather conditions make a contribution to ageing skin because cold winds and low temperatures make skin dry. Remember to employ a good moisturizer during the cold season, and use it inside too - heated rooms can dry your skin as well. In order to cut back the aging skin effect of heated rooms, you need to use a humidifier to help to keep your skin damp.

1. Alcohol distends tiny blood vessels in the skin and increases blood flow close to the skin's surface. These veins can become permanently damaged in time, making a flushed appearance and damaged vessels on the skin's surface, as well as other signs of ageing skin.

1. Stress and worry cause frowning, and the facial muscles basically conform with that movement in time. To reduce signs of aging due to stress, try to alter your facial expressions throughout the day and, just as importantly, try to cut back your stress level.

1. Lack of sleep not only causes you to feel bad, it makes you look bad too. The face is the first one to show signs of absence of sleep, displaying grey circles and bags under the eyes and flagging skin. According to a study, most adults function best with eight - 9 hours of sleep each night.

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